Pilot Fermentor

Pilot Fermentor Manufacturer

Pilot Fermenter

Functions of pilot fermentors

  • Scale and Capacity: Pilot fermentors typically have larger volumes than laboratory-scale fermentors but are smaller than industrial-scale fermentors. The capacity can range from several liters to a few hundred liters.
  • Control and Monitoring: They are equipped with precise control systems to regulate parameters such as temperature, pH, agitation, aeration, and nutrient supply. Monitoring tools track important parameters for optimizing the fermentation process.
  • Sterilization: Like larger industrial fermentors, pilot fermentors have mechanisms to ensure proper sterilization of the fermentation medium and equipment to maintain aseptic conditions.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Pilot fermentors are designed to be versatile and adaptable for various fermentation processes, allowing researchers and engineers to experiment with different microorganisms and production conditions.
  • Material of Construction: Pilot fermentors are typically constructed from materials suitable for biological processes and easy to clean and sterilize, such as stainless steel or glass.